Tutoring by Elizabeth
What is Tutoring by Elizabeth?
- Personalized learning for all clients
Goals are identified and planned for during a preliminary consultation
Instructional methods are customized for each lerner
- Individualized progress reports after every session
Parents/guardians receive an email after each tutoring session outlining what was covered and how their child is doing with the content
- Customized timelines to reach specific goals
Long-term tutoring plans can be developed for students who would benefit from tutoring on a regular basis
Short-term tutoring plans can be developed for students who are working toward a specific goal (ex. SAT, GED Test, high school entrance exams, etc.)
What is Tutoring by Elizabeth Doing During COVID-19?
- Virtual tutoring sessions
- Limited in-person sessions - conducted with guidelines
sessions must be held outdoors
masks must be worn
temperature checks via contactless thermometer
Since Elizabeth, the tutor behind Tutoring by Elizabeth, has many years of experience working in virtual education, operations are being conducted online so that learners do not miss out on the tutoring experience. Through the use of different virtual meeting programs, Tutoring by Elizabeth is able to deliver on the promise of personalized tutoring experiences for all clients. While some virtual learning situations are not individualized, and may not provide all learners with the support they need, Elizabeth makes sure that the needs of all learners are met, and that everyone who works with her is given the attention necessary to help them learn.
With everything going on in the world right now, the last thing any family should have to worry about is supplemental education. Districts are doing everything they can to meet the needs of all students, but not everyone learns the same way, and some students require a little extra support. Tutoring by Elizabeth is here to help those students who may need a little one-on-one attention, as well as those who may want enrichment in addition to what they are learning in their everyday classes.
Even though working together in the same physical space is difficult during the pandemic, Tutoring by Elizabeth is well-equipped to provide the same level of tutoring virtually. For the safety of families who use her services, and the safety of Elizabeth herself, utilizing technology to facilitate sessions is the safest option at this time.